We're Ana and Niko, the imaginative forces behind the scenes, ready to ignite a digital revolution for your business.

@ anic 360°agency

@ anic 360°agency
We're Ana and Niko, the imaginative forces behind the scenes, ready to ignite a digital revolution for your business.
More than 30 websites were created
We've just started to embrace the synergy of our personal styles and approached
We are two designers, which is more than enough to create powerful digital instruments for your business
At anic 360°agency, we believe in the power of creative expression. We're here to unleash a digital masterpiece that not only mesmerizes your audience but also sets your business apart.
Website development
Let us create a stunning website that not only catches the eye but also engages your visitors. Our team combines creativity and technical expertise to build websites that leave a lasting impression. We'll ensure your online platform is user-friendly and reflects your unique brand identity.
UI/UX design development
We believe that a great user experience is key to success. Our talented UI/UX designers will work closely with you to understand your audience and design interfaces that are intuitive and visually appealing. We want to make sure your visitors have a seamless and enjoyable journey on your website or application.
Product development
Have an amazing idea for a digital product? We're here to turn your vision into reality! Whether it's a mobile app, web application, or software solution, our experienced team will bring it to life with skill and precision. We focus on creating user-centric products that are not only functional but also scalable for future growth.
We'll craft an online presence that not only withstands the competition but thrives amidst adversity, empowering you to claim your rightful place at the forefront of your industry.
We'll be your strategic partners, leveraging our expertise in web design, development, and digital marketing to equip you with the tools and strategies necessary to outmaneuver your competitors.
Amidst the fierce battleground of business competition, we stand as your unwavering allies, armed with our digital prowess and strategies.
Holistic innovation. Comprehensive solutions. Setting you apart in digital realms.
Client partnerships fuel success. Listening, collaborating, tailoring. Achieving remarkable outcomes together.
Driving real impact. Data-driven insights. Meaningful outcomes. Elevating your brand.
With a client-centric focus, exceptional customer service, and a results-driven mindset, we strive to exceed expectations and be your trusted partner in achieving digital success.
Ana Medoro
UX/UI designer, co-founder


• 7 days creating concept

• 10 days creating Mid-fi prototype (Figma) (7-12 blocks)

• 3 corrections

• 10 days creating hand-out (responsive adaptive design)

from €100

Fill-in brief


• 7 days creating concept

• 10 days creating Mid-fi prototype (Figma) with UI-stacks (7-12 blocks)

• 3 concept corrections

• 14 days creating website (responsive adaptive design)

from €300
Fill-in brief


• 7 days creating concept

• 10 days creating Mid-fi prototype (Figma) with UI-stacks

• 3 concept corrections

• 14 days creating website (responsive adaptive design)

BONUS: guide for e-shop admit usage

from €800
Fill-in brief
Non-standart project
Text us and we will provide you with the best solution
Contact us
Step one
This is the preparatory stage where we get to know each other, discuss project objectives, and explore possible implementation methods.
Step two
Analysis: Once the working conditions are agreed upon, I conduct web research, analyze competitors, and gather successful solution references for the given tasks.
Step three
Prototyping: After the working conditions are agreed upon, I create a prototype and develop the site's structure with a focus on driving sales.
Step four
Design Concept: I analyze various visual solutions to determine the design direction. I select color schemes, fonts, and other graphical elements.
Step five
Adaptivity: I create design versions for tablets and mobile phones, as well as modal windows and interface elements.
Step six
Website Development: In 90% of cases, the website can be implemented using the Tilda platform. This approach reduces costs and project implementation time by at least 2 times. This stage is pre-approved during the briefing.
Step seven
Full Launch on CMS: Connecting all technical data and launching the website.
Step one
This is the preparatory stage where we get to know each other, discuss project objectives, and explore possible implementation methods.
Step two
Analysis: Once the working conditions are agreed upon, I conduct web research, analyze competitors, and gather successful solution references for the given tasks.
Step three
Prototyping: After the working conditions are agreed upon, I create a prototype and develop the site's structure with a focus on driving sales.
Step four
Design Concept: I analyze various visual solutions to determine the design direction. I select color schemes, fonts, and other graphical elements.
Step five
Adaptivity: I create design versions for tablets and mobile phones, as well as modal windows and interface elements.
Step six
Website Development: In 90% of cases, the website can be implemented using the Tilda platform. This approach reduces costs and project implementation time by at least 2 times. This stage is pre-approved during the briefing.
Step seven
Full Launch on CMS: Connecting all technical data and launching the website.
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Ready to create a unique experience? It`s time to build something amazing together!